does not guarantee or warranty the complete accuracy of the information provided on this website. Under no circumstances will Cheapflyticket.n be responsible for the loss or direct, indirect or consequential damages caused due to the reliance on this information.

We are an online air ticket aggregator and should not be confused with air ticket providers. We do not provide the air tickets by ourselves. Instead we just help the customers with booking flight tickets for various airlines. Cheapflyticket.n will not be responsible for any mishap in air ticket booking or any confusion caused during collecting the ticket at the concerned place.

We request you to take precautions to ensure that you are free of items such as viruses, malicious codes and the like. In no event will Cheapflyticket.n be responsible for any loss caused by the use of the website or any hyperlinked website.

All the information provided on this website should be viewed as an offer to purchase any of our products or services. We aim to give you accurate information, but please note that at times, some of the mentioned products or services might not be available.

Cheapflyticket.n will not be liable for any damages resulting from the use or misuse of any information on this website.

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